The four women discuss their sexual desires and fantasies, and their trials in life and love. "Sex and the City" is an excellent depiction of how hegemonic femininity looks, how it think and what it does..

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia
" Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can be disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that your have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in YOU !!!.."

Rabu, 25 Mac 2009

It's My Birthday !!!

Ya Ya Ya !!!...tahun ni decide x nak celebrate besday coz x layak daa
umo aku mcm dh byk tp it's ok still maintain my personal life...
walaupun aku nmpk mcm 26 tp dh dot dot....
i can be liar to anybody but i can't lie to myself.
i want be myself what i want !!!
Don't ask me when i get married but ask me what i want to be ?
Honestly, i very happy..happy..happy !!!
I'm 37...thirtySeven baby

2 ulasan:

AdamIna berkata...

hepi besday kak aida...
moga panjnag umur, murah rezeki..dan terbuka pintu hati untuk berumahtangga... hikhik.....
jgn lupe opentable erkk......

hepi besday to u!!!!

Tanpa Nama berkata...

hepi besday to u...semoga berjaya dlm apa jua yg diceburi