Ya Ya Ya !!!...tahun ni decide x nak celebrate besday coz x layak daa
umo aku mcm dh byk tp it's ok still maintain my personal life...
walaupun aku nmpk mcm 26 tp dh dot dot....
i can be liar to anybody but i can't lie to myself.
i want be myself what i want !!!
Don't ask me when i get married but ask me what i want to be ?
Honestly, i very happy..happy..happy !!!
I'm 37...thirtySeven baby
2 ulasan:
hepi besday kak aida...
moga panjnag umur, murah rezeki..dan terbuka pintu hati untuk berumahtangga... hikhik.....
jgn lupe opentable erkk......
hepi besday to u!!!!
hepi besday to u...semoga berjaya dlm apa jua yg diceburi
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