The four women discuss their sexual desires and fantasies, and their trials in life and love. "Sex and the City" is an excellent depiction of how hegemonic femininity looks, how it think and what it does..

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia
" Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can be disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that your have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in YOU !!!.."

Selasa, 7 April 2009

Aku Gila Pada...??

Black !..obsess ngan bende yg kaler itam..cepat teruja !!
Bkn saje saje bile berkaler itam sure nmpk cantik je
Tonton tv...boleh stay spai pagi kalu layan !

Computer ! First keje bende yg i nk beli ialah PC...laptop nie maybe yg third.
just belajar menggunakn melalui buku je..
u know is bende yg paling brilliant skali dicipta oleh manusia kt dunia ni !

Susu ! dlm bahasa lain drink milk...i like !!
tak tahu psl apa..spai skang x henti2 menyusu hehe..
smua jenis susu minum accept strawberry n cokelat..paling suka fresh milk

Senaman tangan !...kalau dok diam je sambil tgok tv or bace paper..whatever la..tangan ni mesti nk genggam something ...kt opis pun ada stress ball (umi punyer !) dr kaler kuning dh jd kelabu asap...bende ni dh amalkn berkurun lama nye..stop jap wat bile urat tangan nmpk ketara pastu penah satu kes pegang lengan member spai lebam..rasa mcm grip biasa je tp tetiba member nangis cakap sakit hee..after kes i stop 4 the while !! but bende ni jd balik..what should i do ??

Top tank t-shirt...mmg berlambak la!! bagi aku fesyen yg paling simple hee..
suka kaler yg black, grey, white it's a good 2me
coz why mana pegi sarung je jaket atau sweater..very the simple !
balik umah buang jaket terus tido hee

Beyonce !..minat giler kat minah ni. mula tengok kt mtv dlm group Destiny's Child. dlm depa 3 org tuu..minah ni je yg cantik hehe..suara woww marvelouss !! Body jgn cakapla..perfect beb ! Bile dance woww terpegun gua..strip dance lg gile hehe
Now she perfomance sorang je..the latest album I am sasha a fierce smua lagu best2
two film dia act..xsilap 'panther.??' lakonan steve martin N the dreamgirls ngan Jamie foxx
she married with Jazz..x hansem pun !
nak tahu byk psl beyonce lagu ke videoclip ke ada kt myspace/aidahmz !

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can feel your halo
You know you're my saving grace !!!...

- beyonce -

Series CSI...tayang kt astro AXN mlm tuesday, wednesday n' thurday..marathon every sunday! Grissom N Horatia and the gang u all mmg best !!

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