The four women discuss their sexual desires and fantasies, and their trials in life and love. "Sex and the City" is an excellent depiction of how hegemonic femininity looks, how it think and what it does..

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia
" Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can be disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that your have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in YOU !!!.."

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Happy Mother's Day 2010

Selamat Hari Ibu !!!
Itu yg dapat ku ucapkan. Jasamu tidak dapat kubalas dengan wang ringgit, pengorbanan yg tidak terbilang, kasih sayang yg tidak ternilai, budi pekerti yg tiada tandingan...
Aku cuma bertuah dilahirkan di dunia ini kerna memiliki seorang ibu yg bernama Kiah bte Lebai Ali. Walaupun tidak berkesempatan merasa kasih sayang seorang yg bergelar ayah tetapi memiliki seorang ibu yg mempunyai jiwa kental dan penyayang menjadikan hidupku lengkap tanpa cacat celanya...mungkin aku tidak layak menjadi anak mu yg diimpikan oleh semua ibu namun engkau adalah pelengkap hidupku.
Janjiku, setiap pengorbanan walaupun setitik peluh yg keluar dari keringat mu dan setitik darah dari liang roma mu akan kubalas hingga ke titisan terakhir hidupku.
Doaku, hidupmu akan kulimpahkan dengan kasih sayang untuk membuat engkau bahagia,..kesihatanmu akan aku pelihara hingga tiada yg menyentuhmu agar kudrat mu berkekalan..moga Allah akan memanjangkan usia mu agar dapat melihat setiap keturunan mu. Amin !!

She used to be my only enemy and never let me free
Catching me in places that I knew I shouldn't be
Every other day I crossed the line
I didnt mean to be so sad
I never thought you would
Became the friend I never had
Back then I didnt know why ?
Why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes
All that you did was love
I didnt want to hear it then but
I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I had a lot of time to think about
About the way I used to be
Never had a sense of my responsibility
~ mama i love you, mama i care, mama my friend, you're my friend ~

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