The four women discuss their sexual desires and fantasies, and their trials in life and love. "Sex and the City" is an excellent depiction of how hegemonic femininity looks, how it think and what it does..

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia

LipStick Jungle Vs Cashmere Mafia
" Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can be disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that your have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in YOU !!!.."

Isnin, 26 April 2010


Maybe, I'm not to late publish my birthday photos coz i wants to show my back side ha ha..

This is my new photo (no edit) for New Friend...if u see me wherever you are please say 'hello' to me !! had me at "hello" ;)

Comel !

my new 'anakku'

- anak kucing -

welcome to my world "Daisy"


Hye Daisy !!!

come to mama my dear...


You belongs to Me

Have you ever thought just maybe...

You belong with Me

I'm promise Daisy !!

You are my responsibility right now..

-"I love U..daisy"-


Khamis, 22 April 2010

Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

You understand me now !
...if sometimes you see that's i'm mad, dont you know no one alive can always be an angel
When everything goes wrong you see some bad, but i'm just a soul whose intentions are good
..oh God, please dont let me be misunderstood !
You know sometimes i'm so carefree with a joy that's hard to hide
..and then sometimes again it seems that all i have is worry
..and then you bound to see my other side

If i seem edgy i want you know i never mean to take it out on you

Life has it's problem...and i get more them my share
..but thats me one thing i never mean to do cause i love you
Don't you know i have faults like anyone?
Sometimes i find myself alone regretting some little thing some simple thing that i've done...
i try so hard
so don't let me be misunderstood !!!
-"just i gave birth ? dont make me laugh"..'over look' question mark to make me misunderstood-

Isnin, 19 April 2010

The Myth Of Love At First Sight

I believe in attraction at first sight. I believe in like, and in lust, at first sight. But do i believe in love at first sight ?

Nope. Here's why.

Like life, there's really no accurate definition of love. It's a level of feeling you have towards another person, but only you are going to identify it by measuring your emotions. If humans were more like dashboards, we might have a meter on hearts that blink red when we're in love, we do not. We are responsible for our own definition of love.

But we can get close to a universal definition by agreeing on a few things about love. One is that it is supremely sacred and important to us..a connection that most of us will use to determine the majority of our lives by pairing us with a significant other.

If love is so important to us, we need to elevate our definitions of it above the spontaneous feelings of attraction, familiarity, and desire that sometimes combine when you first look a new person in the eyes and you skip a breath.

Real love needs to be proven to you by the other person, and most importantly, by yourself. Real love needs to come from knowing another person, their knowing you, and in finding that your feelings for them increase and maintain when you have the full picture...not just that first impression.

So while i enjoy the head rush that accompanies a first meeting with someone that i'd rather be waking up next to than be sleeping with, i refuse to mistake it for love. That sort of myth making is comforting, but it also allows you to enter a relationship under false pretenses, obscuring your chances of knowing if you have real love, or just love at first sight.

Ahad, 18 April 2010

When You Say Nothing At All

"...i met the woman where i belong with and then i fell in love..i was so proud and excited to tell the world...i love you..i love you !!!

"...because once i met you everything is chance to be better... i love you !

"...i'm so sorry to hurt you...i just want you know i can live without my parent but i cannot live without you !

"...i believe you and i trust you with all my heart, we not have to worry because we have to been together "

"...i didnt know real love when i met you...i know it happen this was in my life, this was begin when i met you

"this dialog so perfect and the best in the world..i never heard my all life" - aidahmz
- my real love its was very simple -
tribute to amazing couple Reese & Bianca

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Simple Lifestyle

release tension !
u can read more if u can...

my studio !
see another parts is empty..actually nk letak PS 3 ;)
but no have enough money right now ..can be patient at the moment

my section !

in the house - this place i suka lepak :)

wants to write everything what i'm thinking..this place can makes me feel like a bird hee ..

my tik tok !

wake up in the morning feel like p diddy...

hall side !

ruang malas ;)

kitchen !

cooking like my mom..i dont think so...i'm cooked like my style...panaskan apa yg dibeli bhahaha
instant foods can make me died fast-my sis always says like that...i dont think so !!!
died or live kerja tuhan..if i die first "pray for me"

only one in my house !

i needs this at my house..GOD always in my heart..i cant breath and live without-NYA

lanskap !

in progress baby ;)

my foot !

org kata - "kalau nk tgok kemampuan seseorang tuu, tgok kereta apa yg dimilikinya"

so do i ..this is my car..i pay my own money never delayed and i'm so happy ;)

Rabu, 14 April 2010

It's Me

I'm not a good for you ?

it's me, and will always be myself !

i dont try to get like someone else

i dont try to dress like someone else

if you dont like it then just leave me alone !

i dont care about what others think of me

i'm happy being Me

i dont want to be anyone else

i'm unique one of a kind !

i'm not a perfect person but i am the best

i'm not a single but i am available

i'm not a pretty but i am a nice girl


Jumaat, 9 April 2010

Wajarkah Kita Berpolitik ?

Siapakah gambar yang dipaparkan disebelah ini ? Beliau adalah Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas, Menteri Sumber Asli & Alam Sekitar (NRE). Beliau juga merupakan ahli Parlimen Bahagian Betong Sarawak.
Saya mula berkhidmat di Pejabat Am Menteri NRE pada Sept. 2008 dibawah SUSK Mr. Ravi..Ini bermakna saya telah berkhidmat dibawah beliau hampir 2 tahun. Saya mula berkhidmat sebagai Penjawat Awam pada tahun Sept. 2003. Sebelum ini saya berkhidmat di Bahagian Pengurusan Maklumat selama 5 tahun.
Penerangan di atas mungkin dapat membantu pertanyaan yang saya terima melalui emel beberapa hari yang lepas !!
Berbalik pada persoalan tajuk saya pada kali ini, Wajarkah kita berpolitik ?

Pada pagi Khamis (8/4/10) jam 8.45 am saya telah menerima panggilan daripada rakan ditempat kerja lama sebuah Sykt Insurans di Jalan Dewan Bahasa, Kuala Lumpur. Panggilan itu memberi khabar tidak baik bahawa di Jabatan Perdana Menteri mempunyai warganegara Israel yang ditempatkan secara rahsia oleh PM kita. Warga Israel itu ditugaskan sebagai penasihat kepada PM kita. Perkataan 1Malaysia merupakan konsep yang diambil dari negara Israel dan kemungkinan dalam beberapa tahun negara kita akan digondoli oleh pemimpin Israel...begitula khabar berita yang saya terima.
Berbangkit perkara di atas, wajarkah kita mempercayai propaganda sedemikian? Dimanakah letaknya pertimbangan akal fikiran untuk menilai propaganda negatif. Berdasarkan sejarah saya bekerja selama 8 tahun di syarikat berkenaan, pernah menyertai reformasi PKR kononnya ingin menegakkan kebenaran, pengaruh rakan-rakan PKR adalah pakatan kerajaan baru adalah tidak benar. Banyak risalah PKR yang kami edarkan, perhimpunan demi perhimpunan semua itu adalah karut ! Apa yang terbukti adalah perpecahan dikalangan bangsa, pendapat dan diskriminasi terhasil. Bila diteliti setiap memorandum PKR tidak masuk akal sama sekali !
Keputusan saya beralih arah adalah tepat sama sekali. Berkhidmat dengan Kerajaan membuktikan saya adalah warganegara Malaysia berjiwa patriotik. Walaupun saya agak terlewat dari segi umur semasa memohon Penjawat Awam namun keputusan Bahasa Melayu cemerlang dalam SPM&STPM dan kemahiran memudahkan penjalanan memasuki Perkhidmatan Awam.
Kesinambungan perkara ini, politik mulut tanpa bukti kukuh harus dielakkan sama sekali. Banyakkan membaca isu-isu kesemua pihak kerajaan mahupun pihak pembangkang. Gunakan fikiran waras kita untuk menilai bukan mengikut pengaruh rakan-rakan. Mengundi itu adalah sangat penting sebagai warganegara walaupun satu undian tapi keputusannya akan mengubahkan negara kita.

Khamis, 8 April 2010


...." so it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. And we're gonna have to work at this every day, but i want to do that, because i want YOU !!

...i want ALL OF YOU, forever, you and me...every day !

Will you do something for me ? 30 years from now, 40 years from now...what's it look like ?

If it's with that GUY...GO !!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.........

i lost you once, i think i could do it again....if i thought it's what you really wanted.


Rabu, 7 April 2010


yes i likes this topic ;)

now, if you've arrived at the point where you feel you're to kiss or be kissed by that special someone, hopefully things have gone well up until now. It always helps to be yourself around others, so that you feel more comfortable with the other person, and dont feel nervous or feel like you have to put an 'act'. The more comfortable you feel together when you're just hanging out, the easier that first kiss should be, no matter now little experience you have...

Poems ;)

" Kisses kept are wasted, love is to be tasted ; There are some you love, i know be not loathe to tell them so ; Lip go dry and eyes grow wet waiting to be warmly met. Keep them not in waiting yet, kisses kept are wasted..." - Edmund Vance Cooke

" Give me a kisse, and to that kisse a score ; Then to that twenty, adde a hundred more, a thousand to that hundred, so kisse on to make that thousand up a million, treble that million, and when that is done...Lets kisses a fresh as when we first begun " - Robert Herrick
Quotes ;)
" women still remember the first kiss after men have forgotten the last kiss" - aidahmz

Selasa, 6 April 2010

There's A Few Thing...

First and foremost, i really dont like my feel...they're still fighting in my head but it comes naturally !!!

"how you choose express yourself it's all your own and i can tell it comes follow what you fell inside it's intuitive, you dont have to try but it comes naturally...
and it takes my breath away..what you do? so naturally baby !

you are the thunder and i am the lighting and i love the way you know, who you are and to me it's exciting...

when you know it's meant to be everything comes's comes naturally !!




i'm angry... ?!
am i anger... ?!
yes i do..i'm angry now >>>> so what !
what do u do when you angry like me....hah ?
on saturday
ada date w my gurly....janji ptg
so aku spai umah dia petang...col punyer col x angkat2..hp blood high pressure !!
aku park kereta kt luar...then aku gegar pintu umah dia...
so she asked me "...nape ni u ketuk kuat2 takut i igat saper td !!!
i'm say "..apsal hp u..dh mamposs ? x reti2 nk on ?..byk kali i call..
she's "..u kata ptg selalu nye u kn lambat mesti kul 7.30pm u spai so i charges laaa...
i'm yelling "...dah jom i lapar ni...u dok mana pun spai lubang cacing i cari tau !!!
on sunday
petang aq aku ada date w my aku pick up before dinner at 6pm...awal sangat aku ajak window shopping kat wangsa walk...survey brg kt pets shop coz in coming couple month nk bela kucing...mahal giler ! my sweety kata " xpayahla kt sini mahal nti dia carikan kt petaling street or jln pudu...."after that dia nk beli jeans so, layan je la...lama giler !
time out...jom makan !
after dinner !
on my way hantar my sweety...aku salah lorong..masuk highway DUKE...
i'm says "...apa punye bodoh jln nie td dtg ikut jln lama skang msk highway..saje diaorang nk perangkap kena tol 2ringgit...BODOH !!!
sweety answer "...takpelah kak betul lah nie..akak terus je nti kuar jln kuching dh dekat la tuu !!!
my ways at jln kuching...ada kereta celaka ala2 mewah slow giler kt depan aku
i'm sayss "...wei beromen ker dalam kete tuu ??
sweety answer "...sabarla kak driver tak tahu pegi mana tuu..serba salah kot nk ikut jln mana...biasa akak boleh sabarkan...lgpun dia sorang je tuu !!
i'm yelling "...sorang apa ? ko tengok tuu diaorang main bawah tuu...lane sbelah kete jln ok je..taula kete byk...ko tengok tuu kt depan xder kete takkan bwk 40km/j jee...
my sweety diam..she's know i'm angry...
n' then i potong kete bodoh tuu...drama again..aku bhenti kt sblh kete tuu bukak tingkap sambil pekik .."wooooiii xsabar2 ker tgokla kete belakang bersusun..." terpinga2 awek sebelah tuu bgun...
n' i'm telling my sweety "... see i tell u ada awek kt sebelah dia !!!
i'm very so sorry a both of U...i dont know what happened to me...:(
i'm really dont know what to say but is through in my heart... I'M SO SORRY...I'M SO SORRY..I'M SO SORRY !!

Sabtu, 3 April 2010

Secret Admirer

secret admirer !

apa itu secret network or psycho...

1st secret admirer

masa sekolah menengah form one jumpa surat dlm drawer..
naik bas sekolah ada yg kirimsalam..bila tanya..adala jawapan nya..x layan !!!

2nd secret admirer

masa kerja kat insuran office...pagi2 ada letak breakfast on my desk...every day !! actually i xpenah mkn pun heee...x layan !!!

3rd secret admirer

mula2 kerja kat goverment emel..boleh dikatakan tiap hari dpt emel dr dia..pelik nya boleh tahu psl aku...x pernah reply...x layan !!!

4th secret admirer

masa khusus di perak..inilah paling tidak boleh dilupakan..aku terima lebih drp 20 surat layang...i dont care !

lately, i have secret admirer since on my birthday..i dont know why i'm still on...on..on...!!!

i hate secret admirer actually...napa kita perlu berahsia tentang identiti sendiri...u want me ? be gentle..jumpa face to face...u pompuan ka...lelaki ka..cacat ke..i dont care !

not cool..!
u want be a by emel..u boleh msk chat room
it's unfair..u knw who i am...where i'm status..whats i look like..but i dont knw who u r..where evr u r..ur face..what r u do..bla..bla..bla..its suck SUCK !!!