Comel !
my new 'anakku'
- anak kucing -
welcome to my world "Daisy"
Hye Daisy !!!
You belongs to Me
Have you ever thought just maybe...
You belong with Me
I'm promise Daisy !!
You are my responsibility right now..
WELCOME TO MY BLOG... "Jika kejahatan di balas kejahatan, maka itu adalah dendam. Jika kebaikan dibalas kebaikan itu adalah perkara biasa. Jika kebaikan dibalas kejahatan, itu adalah zalim. Tapi jika kejahatan dibalas kebaikan, itu adalah mulia dan terpuji" - La Roche - "Fikirkan permusuhan kita akan dimusuhi, fikirkan kebencian kita akan dibenci. Tetapi sekiranya kita fikirkan kasih maka kita akan dikasihi. Kita akan menjadi seperti apa yang kita fikirkan". FROM SAKURA'08
Comel !
my new 'anakku'
- anak kucing -
welcome to my world "Daisy"
Hye Daisy !!!
You belongs to Me
Have you ever thought just maybe...
You belong with Me
I'm promise Daisy !!
You are my responsibility right now..
If i seem edgy i want you know i never mean to take it out on you
it's me, and will always be myself !
i dont try to get like someone else
i dont try to dress like someone else
if you dont like it then just leave me alone !
i dont care about what others think of me
i'm happy being Me
i dont want to be anyone else
i'm unique one of a kind !
i'm not a perfect person but i am the best
i'm not a single but i am available
i'm not a pretty but i am a nice girl
Poems ;)
" Kisses kept are wasted, love is to be tasted ; There are some you love, i know be not loathe to tell them so ; Lip go dry and eyes grow wet waiting to be warmly met. Keep them not in waiting yet, kisses kept are wasted..." - Edmund Vance Cooke